Anette On Education

Attainment and Advocacy--Kimberly Anderson

Episode Summary

Anette visits with her friend and fellow education advocate, Kimberly Anderson. Kimberly is the No Limits No Excuses Program Officer at the Amarillo Area Foundation, and a member of the Amarillo ISD Board of Trustees, where she currently serves as vice-chair. She is a lifelong Amarillo resident with a passion for the power of education, constantly seeking to use her time and talents to advance equitable education practices and increase access to quality education. She has been a classroom teacher and a substitute teacher in Amarillo ISD. She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies from West Texas A&M University. Kimberly and her husband John have two sons who attend Amarillo ISD schools.

Episode Notes

Anette visits with her friend and fellow education advocate, Kimberly Anderson. Kimberly is the No Limits No Excuses Program Officer at the Amarillo Area Foundation, and a member of the Amarillo ISD Board of Trustees, where she currently serves as vice-chair. She is a lifelong Amarillo resident with a passion for the power of education, constantly seeking to use her time and talents to advance equitable education practices and increase access to quality education. She has been a classroom teacher and a substitute teacher in Amarillo ISD. She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies from West Texas A&M University. Kimberly and her husband John have two sons who attend Amarillo ISD schools.