Anette On Education

Badger Goodbyes--Anette and Russell Lowery-Hart

Episode Summary

Anette has her a conversation with her dear friend, Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, in his final days as President at Amarillo College, before he takes over as Chancellor at Austin Community College. After working together for over twenty years, they've formed a strong friendship they know will continue. Moving from Badgers to River Bats, Anette wishes Russell and family the best in their new journey, As chair of the Amarillo College Board of Regents, Anette will endeavor to find a new college president for AC! Russell, thank you for being my friend.

Episode Notes

Anette has her a conversation with her dear friend, Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, in his final days as President at Amarillo College, before he takes over as Chancellor at Austin Community College. After working together for over twenty years, they've formed a strong friendship they know will continue. Moving from Badgers to River Bats, Anette wishes Russell and family the best in their new journey, As chair of the Amarillo College Board of Regents, Anette will endeavor to find a new college president for AC! Russell, thank you for being my friend.